Cristine M. Almeida
Attorney at Law, Owner

Cristine Almeida, Attorney at Law, has been active in politics and public policy for over 25 years. She was Chief of Staff of the Minnesota Senate from 2004-2005, and prior to that was an attorney in private practice. She started Almeida PA in 2006, and has led or held leadership positions on many successful legislative, issue and candidate campaigns. Highlights include the Minnesotans United for All Families electoral and legislative efforts, the Clean Water, Land and Legacy constitutional amendment campaign, and numerous other legislative and regulatory victories. In 2018, Cristine served as Senior Advisor to then-Congressman Tim Walz on his successful gubernatorial campaign.
Almeida is a graduate of the William Mitchell College of Law and the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and an alumnus of the German Marshall Fund Fellows program and the Humphrey Institute Policy Fellows Program. She is a member and former officer of the Minnesota Hispanic Bar Association, and is fluent in Spanish. Almeida is a frequent speaker and lecturer at CLEs, area colleges and law schools on the legislative process, negotiations, and various law and legislative topics.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 612.770.8578